poniedziałek, 30 sierpnia 2010

Software Patch Management For Improved Security

The best way to distribute problem fixing patches is with the use of software patch management software. These programs are able to update multiple computer at one time across one or several networks. Third party software providers are always fixing problems with their product. It has become a fact of life to expect there to be something wrong with a software. Some of these problems are openings into your network that can be exploited. Patching those holes is very important to security. Trying to perform a patch on every terminal in your company manually is a lengthy, time consuming process. It is also completely unnecessary and problematic. Instead of having an IT staffer waste another employees time by taking up the computer, the IT tech can automate the process with a program.


There are several problems with trying to do each installation manually. The computer has to be taken up by an IT worker and this means that two workers are having to wait for the installation. This can all be resolved with automatic scripting so that both the IT worker and the office worker can continue doing other duties.


There are many different software to choose from. Selection will depend upon your business needs and company size. Choosing the one that has the most features is not necessarily the best move. However, selecting the program that allows for the most customizing to suit your needs would be beneficial. Patch management is a good way to protect your company from malicious attacks. Many hackers are able to manipulate the vulnerabilities in systems that have not been closed by a corrective patch. A good software will be able to scan your computers and determine which patch should be applied. More companies are being temporarily disabled or having their networks bogged down by outside users using their bandwidth. Several of these outside influences are able to gain control through security loopholes. It only takes one unprotected and not patched terminal on your network to allow this to happen.


These attacks can be prevented and stopped by continually checking the terminals on your network. If one fails to meet the patch update standards then it will be immediately patched. This means that the opening that was left for the hacker is no longer open and the system is once again protected. Most of the work of a software patch management software is done behind the scenes. Most workers will not even be aware that their computer is being updated to protect the company. The only time that it would be of any concern is when the system might need to be rebooted. The worker would be warned with a prompt and asked to save their work. This can be a very slight inconvenience having to wait for the system to reboot; it is however, a lot better than having to wait for an admin to go through every prompt. Most workers will be appreciative of the quick work that the software provides. There will be less inconvenient visits from the IT staff to have to see to issues related to the workers computer.

piątek, 27 sierpnia 2010

Why All Network Managers Need MSP Software

MSP software is a must for all managed service providers. Managers who have this type of software, can instantly access pertinent information about the networks they are monitoring. Whether you are monitoring a LAN network for a small business, or you are attempting to monitor the routers within a large enterprise, MSP software can make the process of monitoring networks seamless and very easy to handle overall.


Since the task of managing multiple networks is almost impossible to handle for most network managers, this device is an absolute must for most network managers today. Network managers who utilize MSP software can make their services more efficient and effective by assessing the problems a network is facing in a very simple manner.


Network managers find this type of software to be incredibly useful, because it can provide an abundance of detailed information about a network's activities. Whether network managers need to assess the efficiency of individual devices within a network, or they need to assess a network's overall efficiency, they can easily do so by reviewing the information that is provided by this type of program.


Network managers who do not take advantage of this type of software often miss major problems that are occurring within entire networks. When devices within a network cannot sufficiently handle the capacity and demands that are being placed on them, network managers have no idea that these difficulties are occurring if they do not have this type of software in their possession. Network managers who do have access to MSP software though, can utilize the tools and monitoring capabilities of MSP software to quickly and easily assess the congested portions of a network and fix those problems immediately.


This software can even automate the process of managing a network as well. This software can provide notifications when a problem is about to arise within a network too. In this way, MSP software can help managed service providers avoid problems altogether, because the problems can be fixed before they actually cause a disruption within the communications of a network.


One of the most convenient features provided by managed service provider software today is the remote access portion of these programs. This portion of these programs can give network managers an opportunity to access devices from a remote location. By having instant access to the devices your customers are using, you will be able to uncover and solve problems your customers are facing quickly and seamlessly.


Many network managers use these programs to monitor entire networks, but network managers can improve the quality of their services by also monitoring individual devices within a network as well. Many components within networks often provide insufficient computing power to handle the tasks they are facing. When this type of problem arises within a network, a network manager can recommend the improvement of specific devices in order to increase the overall efficiency of an entire network.


Obviously, MSP software can be used in many different ways. If you are a managed service provider, you should certainly look into how this software can improve the quality of the services you provide to all of your clients.

poniedziałek, 23 sierpnia 2010

The age of the computer has changed business in many ways, allowing the manager unprecedented span of knowledge and control over all processes relating to his business. This has allowed for the use of data and information on an unprecedented scale. The drawback is that the available data for any business can be unwieldy and it is very possible to drown the manager in information. This is the time to leverage the power of processing to control the computer via systems management software.


In the days before the information systems tidal wave, managers still made decisions based on information. Certainly the information was lower in volume and less sophisticated, but it was relevant information the manager could use to operate his business. The advent of computers allowed the manager to widen the pool of data he could tap into and therefore make his decisions more accurately and confidently. As this ability has progressed, the dearth of information has turned into a flood.


The manager is now faced with so much information about every topic that discerning the valuable information from background noise data is seriously problematic. Hiring decisions used to be made following an interview, with questions and answers and the unquantifiable interpersonal ques an interview provides. Today a successful candidate of yore may be electronically eliminated by an insignificant criterion before an interview is even conducted.


This is not to imply that any manager would wish to have less information, far from it. It is that the effort to gain usable, decision-making understanding from the data has been overcome by the methodology for garnering the raw data from which it is distilled. Information carries with it nuances that help determine its meaning in the form of the entering arguments for the collection process. This is the age old recognition that how one asks a question influences the answer to a degree. With the manager expending so much time in collecting reference points and measurements, there is little left to consider the purpose and possible alternative collection means.


The reason for the explosion of information technology is that, when used well, it is a tremendous boost to corporate efficiency. Communication can be immensely more effective when all the decision makers of a large organization all have the same information at hand when discussing significant strategy and tactics. But it dos not always tell us what is important. A small airline company can produce thousands of data entry points to track and report the systemic progress of getting an airplane in the air on time. But this will never help a manager figure out that what the customer cares about is not the takeoff time, but the landing time at destination.


It is the essence of management to see the bigger picture, to make the decisions that will not only allow for the day to day business to get done, but to have a solid feel for what needs to be done to stay in business tomorrow. These two aspects of leadership conflict with a critical element of the reality of management, balancing time requirements. To that end, information systems were initiated to allow the manager greater access to information more quickly. While this has been a success, the data has become increasingly complex, and more and more time is eaten up processing it.


All leaders intrinsically want to have a feel for what their company is doing. There is no scarier feeling than being responsible for something and not having the first hand knowledge of what is being done to make it happen. This does not mean that the CEO of a company needs to know the name, start time destination and cargo of every truck carrying product within his company, that is what the management hierarchy is about. Unfortunately, the nature of man is to be curious, and if the data is available it is difficult not to get captured in the mountains of minutia.


So while it is important that someone is aware of the collection and interpretation of all the detailed information a company has, there has to be a way to develop that raw data into useful knowledge for each level of management. This is the crux of systems management software, manipulating data collected by software systems to develop actionable information for leadership to run the business efficiently and profitably.

poniedziałek, 9 sierpnia 2010

Cost-effective Network Management: Its Features And Characteristics

Information Technology could be called the precursor to business automation. The automation extended outwards and included other linked sphere of operations related to the central business venture. Synchronisation of these disparate operations in order to be able to achieve one singular end result gave rise to networks. Managing these networks was a costly affair. In order to ensure profit margins Cost-effective network management systems became an object in demand.

Individual objects make up the network in totality. These objects are both hardware and software components. It needs practical experience to be able to appreciate the large number of objects and their variety that form a network. Uncanny problems are faced by the Network administrator in his day to day work that makes his job extremely demanding. When any one of these components faces a bug that retards or stops its working the Network Manager is the individual who is called upon to provide a solution. A complete view of the network and its operations from wherever the network manager is located becomes a necessity for providing the solution. Given the ever changing scenario of any business house which goes with the current volatile market factors, the individual networks that run the business house proceedings are equally altering. A pencil drawn map of the network one day would never match the same drawn on a subsequent day. A tool which is capable of providing a continuously updated view of the network and its functioning is the need of the day. This software should also have the capability to permit the network manager remotely manage the various components that make up the network..

One such class of software which provides the various programs that are running across a network as well as the networks hierarchical view is called Managed Services Provider programs (MSP). There are some MSP which do not need any user intervention and called fully automated MSP and there are others which need human intervention at each step. There are MSP which are a mix of these two also. The Network manager's availability and capability would decide which MSP be best suited for a client. Cost saving factor of such software requires no amplification. Rather than having individual network manager at each individual physical location trying to talk with each other, one network manager sitting remotely is able to monitor and provide solutions to the individual network system.

The power and ability of MSP software is judged mainly by the reporting capability of the software and by the view spectrum of the entire network that this MSP software is able to project.

Individual companies creating the MSP however add different features in their advertisement campaigns. The ease with which the software can be deployed across the entire network, how much system resources does the software demand, these and many other similar features are used by individual MSP makers in their marketing strategy.

Cost-effective Network management is the key in today's 'e' prefixed business and market which has the factor of profit as one of its prime consideration. The role of Managed Service Provider in bringing down expenditure for managing the networks and its components has been prominent with time and therefore proven to be the most cost-effective tool to manage networks of a business house.